Availability WAVE is available from Adaptive Systems, Ltd. via mail. The price is U.S.$95 + $15 S&H. Please include the following information with your order: NAME:______________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ CITY:__________________ STATE:______ ZIP:_____________ COUNTRY:___________________________________________ PHONE:_____________________________________ Your email or internet address?__________________________ Where did you find WAVE?______________________________ What type of Computer/Scanner do you have?________________ ___________________________________________________ WAVE is a product of: Adaptive Systems, Ltd. 215 Fishing Lane Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 Ma Bell On-Line: Voice:(708) 766-2887 AOL: MikeASL FAX:(708) 766-6387 eWorld: MikeASL Internet: mikeasl@aol.com Note: In this Demo copy of WAVE certain features have been limited. The number of frequencies in a log in limited to 10 (normally 500). The number of log windows open at the same time has been limited to 3 (normally limited only by memory). ALL Save options have been disabled and the program will quit after 25 minutes.